Our Majesty Queen Sirikit
Mother’s Day was first introduced to Thailand on 15th April, 1950. In 1976, Mother’s Day was changed to 12th August to commemorate the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit ,the Mother of all Thai people.
- Mother’s Day = วันแม่ : wān mâe
- queen = ราชินี : rāa-chí-nēe
- 12th August = 12 สิงหาคม : sìb sǒrng sĭng-hăa-kōm
- birthday = วันเกิด : wān-gèrd
Every year during the month of August, Thai households and public places will be decorated with lights, decorations, and portraits of the most beloved Queen Sirikit in celebration of the day of Her birth.
- decorated = ตกแต่ง : dtòg-dtàeng
- portrait = พระบรมฉายาลักษณ์ :prá-bō-rōm-má-chăa-yāa-lág
Queen Sirikit is regarded as mother to all Thai people, thus her birthday is also celebrated as Mother’s Day and observed as a Thai national holiday.
- mother to all Thai people = แม่ของคนไทยทั้งประเทศ : mâe kǒrng kōn Thāi táng bprà-têd
- holiday = วันหยุด : wān-yùd
When you go everywhere in Thailand on 12th August , you will see most of Thai people wear blue shirt. Blue is the color of Queen Sirikit. Because she was born on Friday and Blue is the color of Friday in Thailand. The symbol of mother ‘s day in Thailand is Jasmine flower.

Jasmine is symbol of mother’s day
- Blue = สีฟ้า : sĕe fáa
- wear = ใส่ : sài
- jasmine flower = ดอกมะลิ : dòrg má-lí